Your raw feeding questions answered
$95 (45-minute support)
Chelsea Kent, Pet Nutritionist and Raw Feeding Specialist, answers your questions regarding raw feeding, ideal nutrition, raw feeding support and resources on your journey of feeding your dog raw.
She has worked closely with Rodney Habib’s philanthropic non-profit, Paws for Change, and in collaboration with HRI Labs. She also works with Drs Barbara Royal and Natasha Lilly with the Royal Animal Health University and the College of Integrative Veterinary Therapies. She has worked to implement laboratory analysis to determine nutritional adequacy and toxin load of popular commercially available pet foods; and to gain cohesive, structured, factual information about regulation, industry insights, company stories and more throughout the industry.
She is also the founder of FoodRegulation Facts Alliance, a stakeholder organization that represents retailers in government and regulatory settings. Specializing in Pathogen and Industry Regulation, she works in tandem with NGPFMA (Next Generation Pet Food Manufacturers Association) and TruthAboutPetFood to change regulation, where needed, through government channels and educate retailers about regulation.
Writer, Speaker, Researcher, and Educator for organizations such as Hero’s Pets, RAHU, GlobalPets Magazine, Pet Fooled, Mercola Healthy Pets, Wag Out Loud, Super Human Radio, The Raw Entrepreneur, It’s a Dog’s Life, Pawsitive Variety Show, KetoPet Sanctuary, Dogs NaturallyMagazine, Mile Hi Dog Magazine, IVC Journal, Ambary Gardens, Pet Wellness Revolution, The Groomer Next Door, Dr. Andi’s World, and many more.
Knowing is better.
This is a simple and non-invasive way to discover if your pet is deficient in essential nutrients or has an overabundance of heavy metals in their body. A hair mineral analysis test reveals your dog’s minerals deficiencies and heavy metal toxicity. You will receive a full analysis from a veterinarian explaining the test results and action steps. We look for related symptoms like:

Digestion Issues


Lack of Joy

Weight Loss or gain

Itchy Skin

Poor Appetite

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