“Her itching has subsided as well as the occasional wrist chewing, which I have always felt was food-related.”

Age: 4
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Nutritional Blueprint Testing Results
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Phosphorus
- Selenium
- Boron
- Sulfur
- Iron
- Arsenic
- Mercury
- Aluminum
Note: No heavy metals were at toxic levels
Thyroid Results
- Ok
Adrenal Results
- Ok
Veterinarian Actionable Insights
- Suggested Vitamin B supplement
Note: Several other insights were included in the report but for the purposes of this article we are only including this insight.
Shade started the Vitamin B supplement and has been great! She said,
“This test helped to really put Shade into another phase of health.”
“Her itching has subsided as well as the occasional wrist chewing, which I have always felt was food-related.”
“ParsleyPet really goes above and beyond. The owner actually contacted me after they sent me the report to make recommendations to Chico’s diet to raise both his iron and calcium levels. They have been an instrumental part of keeping my pets healthy and I cannot thank them enough.”

Age: 13
Breed: Chihuahua
Chico is a rescue and had pancreatitis when his owner adopted him. He also has dry eye in the left eye. His owner was feeding him a raw diet but wasn’t sure if he was getting all of his nutrients.
Nutritional Blueprint Testing Results
- Iron
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Arsenic
- Mercury
- Aluminum
Note: No heavy metals were at toxic levels
Thyroid Results
- Ok
Adrenal Results
- Ok
Veterinarian Actionable Insights
- Suggested to change diet to include bone. Chico’s calcium levels were very low. After reviewing the raw diet purchased from a local pet store, it was discovered that the raw diet didn’t include bone or sufficient calcium. Chico’s owner immediately switched him to a raw diet that had sufficient bone content (should be 10-15%) and added a raw egg to his diet to help increase his iron levels.
Note: Several other insights were included in the report but for the purposes of this article we are only including some insights.
Chico now has a balanced diet with plenty of calcium, iron, and magnesium! This will help with his energy levels and overall health for long-term health in his senior years.
“ParsleyPet really goes above and beyond. The owner actually contacted me after they sent me the report to make recommendations to Chico’s diet to raise both his iron and calcium levels. They have been an instrumental part of keeping my pets healthy and I cannot thank them enough.” – Chico’s mom
“I changed the dish detergent I used to clean the dog dishes and I added more heart meat which I now alternate with a Vitamin B complex supplement”

Age: 8
Breed: Border Collie Mix
Rodrigo’s pet parent is Kimberly from Keep the Tail Wagging Blog. She wanted to ensure that Rodrigo’s diet was complete because she feeds him a DIY raw diet.
Nutritional Blueprint Testing Results
- Cobalt
- Chromium
- Boron
Thyroid Results
- Ok
Adrenal Results
- Ok
Veterinarian Actionable Insights
- Find the source of boron and remove from diet
- Add a Vitamin B supplement to help with low chromium and cobalt
Note: Several other insights were included in the report but for the purposes of this article we are only including some insights.
Knowing is better.
This is a simple and non-invasive way to discover if your pet is deficient in essential nutrients or has an overabundance of heavy metals in their body. A hair mineral analysis test reveals your dog’s minerals deficiencies and heavy metal toxicity. You will receive a full analysis from a veterinarian explaining the test results and action steps. We look for related symptoms like:

Digestion Issues


Lack of Joy

Weight Loss or gain

Itchy Skin