by ParsleyPet Wellness | Sep 11, 2019 | Blog
Iron is a mineral that is required by your dog’s body to perform important functions like carrying oxygen in the hemoglobin of red blood cells throughout the body so her cells can produce energy. Iron is also necessary for certain enzymes in the body to function...
by ParsleyPet Wellness | Sep 8, 2019 | Blog
I’m so glad we found each other! It wasn’t long ago that I was searching for a way to help my dog with his health issues. He was getting older, had a little more “sugar” on his face, going blind, goop coming out of his eyes, slowing down, and...
by ParsleyPet Wellness | Mar 24, 2019 | Blog
I stared at the spreadsheet blankly. Straining to focus on the numbers as they went in and out of focus. What is happening? I printed out the spreadsheet and thought that I must be tired and needed a break from looking at a computer screen. While I peered at the...
by ParsleyPet Wellness | Mar 14, 2019 | Blog
What is Boron? Boron is one of the micronutrients required for optimal health and is involved in maintaining good bone mineralization. Boron is essential for proper assimilation of calcium into the bone matrix, or in simpler terms makes sure that calcium stays bound...
by ParsleyPet Wellness | Jan 4, 2019 | Blog
Introducing a one-stop shop to measure your dog’s most important nutrient levels: our Nutritional Blueprint Testing Kit. In addition to testing his calcium and phosphorus levels, the test also measures: Iron What It Does: Forms hemoglobin, the molecule in red...